‘ CARM’ Category

CARM thoughts from your friendly Customs Broker.

So we are now three months into the new CARM environment and while progress is slowly being made, there remain innumerable challenges and obstacles to a successful implementation. CARM R3 was not in a functional state to be launched last October, but the voices of reason from almost all corners of the importing community were…

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CARM Launch Delayed until October 2024.

CBSA issued Customs Notice 24-17 on April 26th announcing the unsurprising delay to the CARM R2 launch until October of this year. An exact date will be forthcoming. CBSA has publicly explained the delay as a cautionary approach to expected labour disruptions within the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) membership this summer. Citing reduced staffing…

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CARM – A Mandatory New System

The siren song of CARM has been reverberating throughout the importing community for many, many months and it is now reaching its crescendo. CARM will launch on May 13th 2024 – just a few short weeks away. CBSA, customs brokers, and other trade chain partners have relentlessly been trying to spread the message and significance…

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CARM is Coming – Are you Ready?

Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) Assessment and Revenue Management (CARM) is a new system for providing financial security for goods being imported into Canada. Under CARM, importers will be responsible for providing their own security rather than using security provided by their customs broker. We recommend that all importers ensure they are registered on the…

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